Hi, I am Pancino
|7 years old
I love spending most of my time going on walks to the Donau where I get to go in for a little dip in the water, it's so much fun! There's nothing I love more than a cuddle with my favourite carer, or a good long nap! I have a really difficult time sharing my food and bed with my doggy friends, so when they come near me it makes me really anxious.
7 kgs
My health has been checked
My worming is up-to-date
My vaccinations are up-to-date
I have been microchipped
Here are gifts you can buy to support Pancino
Dogs from our shelters are well looked after, because we care for them like our own. You can choose to sponsor some of the dogs we care for. Help us cover the costs for food, cozy blankets for the cold winter or their regular vet checks.
Buy food and health supplies
Get toys and bedding
Vet visits and health checks